Tuesday, March 2, 2010

"In the Eye of the Beholder" Opening Theme Video

"Chau Heung Angers Tong Bak Fu" - Wong Cho Lam & Jin Au Yeung

秋香怒點唐伯虎 《秋香怒點唐伯虎》 主題曲 - 王祖藍/歐陽靖

作曲: 鄧智偉/莊冬昕
填詞: 王祖藍/歐陽靖

MC Jin: 請大家而家聽清楚 呢個古仔或者已經聽過
但係我就會用rap介紹 一位高人嚟自明朝
因為佢屬虎 所以嗌唐伯虎 唔係斷估
江南四大才子之首 佢去到邊fans跟佢走
男女都咁受歡迎 有人就話佢好多情
考狀元雖然冇出貓 但係考考嚇都訓著覺
你或者覺得佢傻傻地 但係你根本唔明佢心理

王祖藍: 情人談情話 過節要送花 古今都喜愛吧
緣來緣留下 世世你我她 就像兩生花
情人如仇敵 愛上你太激 芳心必需要覓
情場從無敵 卻要轉角色 力敵美艷女色

MC Jin: 講識女仔伯虎係無數 去到邊都左擁右抱
但係咁多對象冇一個了解佢 所以佢仍然覺得咁空虛
直至到佢認識秋香 但係秋香又覺得佢好"娘"
為咗秋香佢乜都制 混入華府做咗人哋奴隸
唉 咁就中咗美人計 但係佢最想做人世
呢個美人真係冇心肝 不停喺度咁玩華安
rap到呢度係時候閃 夠鐘睇秋香怒點

Personal Note: The theme song reminds me too much of the theme song of "A Bride for a Ride".

Ha ha.... Chau Heung thinks that Bak Fu is '娘' he he.... :D

Favourite line is "情人談情話 過節要送花 古今都喜愛吧" because it is so true! :P

I like Jin, but not really a fan of his Cantonese pronunciation though. ;)

Also, promo clip 4 is in the works of posting. :)

*Credits to chobits216 @ tvb吧


  1. Well, I'm not sure if I'm the only person, but I don't like this themevideo at all.. The design of the themevideo looks so... childish (I really have no words for it, childish might be misplaced, but it's the only word that describes a little bit what I thinks).
    Then the song, the rap is boring (to me), especially the music during the rap... Only the singing part of Cho Lam sounds ok. And the lyrics, some (rap) parts sounds so lame, I see that Cho Lam and Jin wrote the lyrics, did Jin wrote the rap part and Cho Lam the singing part?

  2. To lizzy:

    Yes, Cho Lam wrote the singing part, and Jin wrote the rap part. I, too like the singing part better. :)

  3. so the myolie-moses duet for this series was just a rumour?

  4. To Anonymous:

    I guess, as they do not sing the theme. :)
