Tuesday, June 1, 2010

"Ghost Writer" AOD Opening Theme Video


Download (TV Version)

"Clear Thinking" - Steven Ma

心竅 《蒲松齡》 主題曲 - 馬浚偉

迷惑太多 能望見太多 明白太少
預計長夜深 終於天曉
暗黑的心 才最叵測 難料

同伴太多 沿路過太多 留下太少
別算人或妖 鬼影心竅
有酒今宵 讓最困擾 忘掉

如夢初醒 明明還在笑怎麼哭了
鏡中緣 霧裡花 最假的 才越心跳
如夢不醒 明明流淚了怎麼失笑
怨很長 恨太多 唯愛太少

Personal Note: Good song! Steven never disappoints when he sings! :D Love the song, but not a fan of the 假音.

Steven will also have an MV played during the end credits just like Raymond's song from "The Mysteries of Love". :)

*Credits to lindaclub and tvb.com

1 comment:

  1. Very good song ah!

    I am very excited for "Ghost Writer"!
