Tuesday, July 13, 2010

"A Pillow Case of Mystery II" Opening Theme Video & Full MV @ End Credits

"A Pillow Case of Mystery II" Opening Theme Video

"A Pillow Case of Mystery II" Full MV @ End Credits

"Do Not Underestimate Me" - Wong Cho Lam

別低估我 《施公奇案II》 主題曲 - 王祖藍

作曲: 葉肇中
填詞: 王祖藍

講一半點會清楚 知一半點去揣摩
尚未能一語道破 猜謎會猜錯
一知半解最坎坷 天機怕洩露太多
激起我心裡猛火 將謎語擊破

難題多 但百密亦有一疏 夠麼
無人可 做錯仍隻手遮天 過火

機密太多 竟被我篤爆咗 (篤爆咗)
隱瞞我麼 忽然更清楚 (清楚)
你低估我就傻 傻咗

"A Pillow Case of Mystery II" Episode 1a

"A Pillow Case of Mystery II" Episode 1b

Personal Note: My sister guessed back then that Cho Lam was going to sing this theme song, and that was before we found out that he and MC Jin sang the theme song of "In the Eye of the Beholder". :D


  1. Question: This isn't the full MV right?

  2. To foreverleila:

    Like "The Mysteries of Love", "Ghost Writer", "Some Day", and "When Lanes Merge", this is only a snippet of the MV that is featured at the ending credits. The full MV will release when it is officially plugged.

  3. hyn5:

    Thanks for letting me know. Can't wait to see the rest of it. It's pretty funny.

  4. LOL! How could she guess that it would be Cho Lam singnig this song? ahaha

  5. To seedan:

    Cho Lam had already sang "A Bride for a Ride", and it just seems like Cho Lam would sing that kind of stuff. He was heavily promoted at that time. He had just became a singer. Also, there is no one in "Pillow" to sing the theme. :)

  6. @hyn5: So... from now on all series will have an MV of the opening song at the end?
