Saturday, February 28, 2015

Aimee Chan Gives Birth to Second Son 'Nathan Lucas'


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Moses Chan and Aimee Chan met with the media at the hospital today, officially announcing that their second son was born at noon on the 26th, weighing 6 pounds, 13 ounces. It was a natural childbirth. Their second son greatly resembles Moses. It was also revealed that his English name is Nathan Lucas. Aimee said, "Nathan represents God's gift, while Lucas is the star in the sky".

Aimee said that, although she has experience, her second birth was more labourious than the first one, as it took five hours. Moses expressed that he accompanied Aimee in the delivery room this time, even personally cutting the umbilical cord: "Saw that Aimee was hurting a lot. Was also worried myself. She is really very strong. I was also very touched upon seeing the little baby...quickly cried".

When asked whether they would go for a daughter, Moses immediately answered with strong eyes: "Definitely. Children are God's gifts to us". Moses also revealed that he would be temporarily stopping work to take good care of Aimee.

FYI: On June 27th, at an event, Aimee revealed her second son's name to be 「浩鋒」, hoping that he has a big heart in the future, using his heart to deal with every matter and every person. 「鋒」 is to hope that he appears very sharp, and that he takes the initiative for his dreams and is more ambitious.

Personal Note: I have always liked the names Aiden and Nathan...both sound nice. :)

*Credits to the-sun, mingpao, appledaily, stheadline, bastillepost, orientalsunday, Yes娛樂, sohu, and Weibo

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